You may think I have completely forgotten Thanksgiving with all the Christmas talk I've been doing.
Not so I say!
That's truth right there |
I can't wait for some good ole quality family time this week,
and I'm certainly counting all my blessings.
There are too many to list {Thanks be to God} but here are just a few...
~ Hubsy.
Life is less scary with him by my side. I'm free to do so many things
I would never even attempt without him. He is absolutely my rock and my sanity.
~ Home.
The very fact that I have a safe-haven for my body, mind, and soul.
~ Mornings.
Daily re-birth that let's me start anew. Everything looks brighter in the morning.
~ Motherhood.
Never have I been so challenged or so full of love. My boys have taught me so much about
myself and the kind of person I want to be.
~ Email
I probably wouldn't talk to anybody with out it.
(If you know me you know I hate using the phone)
~ Pooches.
The love of a dog is like no other.
Endless, unconditional, silly, endearing, sweet, it all these and more.
~ Forgiveness.
Not only from my Jesus, but from everyone.
I am such a flawed woman in need of forgiveness.
~ Laughter.
My kids say such hilarious things that make me crack up. Those moments are priceless. I'm trying to get back to writing them down so I can have a record of them to keep.
~ Music.
It can lift me up like no other.
Give me a good beat and watch me smile as I start to jam, head-bob and all.
My E does it too :)
~ Giving.
Making a difference in someone's life, no matter how small, is such a blessing. I wish I could do more and am looking into more ways to do so.
~ Blog friends.
You're friendship has blessed me more than I can say.
And lastly in honor of the Thanksgiving meal...
~ Candied Sweet Potatoes.
The ones with brown sugar, pecans, and marshmallows on top. Can I get an Amen!?
Wishing you and yours a warm, loving, and pants-splitting Happy Thanksgiving :)
* Congratulations to Shawntel on winning my one-of-a-kind earrings
designed for the Dancing with Ashley giveaway!