
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankful people are happy people

You may think I have completely forgotten Thanksgiving with all the Christmas talk I've been doing.

Not so I say!

That's truth right there

I can't wait for some good ole quality family time this week, 
and I'm certainly counting all my blessings.
There are too many to list {Thanks be to God} but here are just a few...

~ Hubsy.  
Life is less scary with him by my side.  I'm free to do so many things 
I would never even attempt without him.  He is absolutely my rock and my sanity.

~ Home. 
The very fact that I have a safe-haven for my body, mind, and soul.

~ Mornings.  
Daily re-birth that let's me start anew.  Everything looks brighter in the morning.

~ Motherhood.  
Never have I been so challenged or so full of love.  My boys have taught me so much about
myself and the kind of person I want to be.

~ Email
I probably wouldn't talk to anybody with out it.  
(If you know me you know I hate using the phone)

~ Pooches.  
The love of a dog is like no other.
Endless, unconditional, silly, endearing, sweet, it all these and more.

~ Forgiveness.
Not only from my Jesus, but from everyone.
I am such a flawed woman in need of forgiveness.

~ Laughter.
My kids say such hilarious things that make me crack up.  Those moments are priceless.  I'm trying to get back to writing them down so I can have a record of them to keep.

~ Music.
It can lift me up like no other.
Give me a good beat and watch me smile as I start to jam, head-bob and all.
My E does it too :)

~ Giving.
Making a difference in someone's life, no matter how small, is such a blessing. I wish I could do more and am looking into more ways to do so.

~ Blog friends.
You're friendship has blessed me more than I can say.

And lastly in honor of the Thanksgiving meal...

~ Candied Sweet Potatoes.
The ones with brown sugar, pecans, and marshmallows on top. Can I get an Amen!?

Wishing you and yours a warm, loving, and pants-splitting Happy Thanksgiving :)

* Congratulations to Shawntel on winning my one-of-a-kind earrings 
designed for the  Dancing with Ashley giveaway!


  1. Amen! ha Krista, I hope you have a restful and spirited Thanksgiving and that you get your belly so full that you'll need a nap afterwards. Oh and that you'll be able to take a nap if needed. hahaha

  2. I love this post! There is so much to be thankful for!

    And the pants-splitting thing totally made me laugh! I used to joke that I was going to save just one pair of maternity pants to wear on Thanksgiving. :-)

  3. Yay Happy Thanksgiving Krista!! I'm thankful that we've become friends! and sorry, I'm not a fan of sweet potatoes. But amen to the rest ;)

  4. So much to be thankful for! Loving that quote, Krista. Thanksgiving does get looked over by I'm looking forward to celebrating this week with family as well!!

    Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

  5. This is so good and so true! Thank you for sharing :) And happy thanksgiving!!

  6. Hope you and your wonderful family had a very nice Thanksgiving!
