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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Follow your heart

I am not a risk taker by nature.  I like to know exactly how things are going to go.  Nice and orderly and familiar....that's me.  However over the past year or so I've been trying to change. Not much change so far but baby steps right?  My personal goal is to try and
love without fear.  
Fear of rejection...fear of financial loss...fear of sounding stupid...fear of not knowing the answer.  
I randomly came across this quote today and it really
struck a cord with me.

"It's Impossible" said Pride
"It's Risky" said Experience
"It's pointless" said Reason
"Give it a try" whispered Heart

So I'm going to listen to my heart more and not worry so much about the rest.  Go ahead and be generous with my money and trust that God will work it out.  Tell someone I'm not very close to how sorry I am that their loved one died without being afraid I might upset them more.  Let people know how much I appreciate them without fearing that they won't think I am sincere. 

Easy to say, much harder to do.  
But I am a work in progress....


  1. Love this and love that quote even more. I've never heard of that one. I don't like change either, I love the same thing over and over again. And if something does change I freak out.

    And I wish I told people who I see in the blog world how sorry I am to hear of their lost too. I usually cry reading their blogs, but then never say anything to them of fear of upsetting them or saying the wrong thing.

  2. A blogger friend of mine just lost her sister three weeks after a terrible car accident -- it was so hard to try and find the right words. Then I decided that exactly what the words were really didn't matter, but just letting her know my heart ached for her did.


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