Weekend recap...
Vomit and diarrhea anyone?
Sorry to gross you out but that's how my day started out. My poor little E had some intestinal issues the day before and somehow vomited and had diarrhea in his bed overnight....yuck. And then when I got home from work my dog vomited on the floor...just great.
So I had had enough of cleaning up puke and it was only 4:30pm!
But on the upside, my dear husband came home from having my car battery tested with a nice box of Merlot wine (yep, we do boxed). He must have known I'd need it. I've been having some issues with my car and the mechanic said it was electrical.....yikes....we could be in it for 50 bucks or as much as a thousand or more.
Don't even get me started on cars, they are my nemisis.
Nothing but gas guzzling, money sucking, unfortunately necessary...beasts.
We were supposed to go to family movie night at our church but since E was questionable about having any more bodily upset, we decided to play it safe and watch a movie at home.
We have made a tradition of going to the annual Safety Days festivities at our local Home Depot. They have demonstrations, fire trucks and other emergency vehicles, and most importantly free food! They even have a helicopter come an land in the parking lot and then the kids can crawl inside. Unfortunately this year we happen to be stricken with an ugly streak of dismal gray rainy weather so we couldn't go. Hopefully next year will be better. So instead I spent the day cleaning and rearranging some things.

After the hubs got back from some car shopping (long story) and we had dinner, he and I got to escape to Panera for some peace and quiet relaxation. The boys got to go play with their cousins for a bit so it was a good time had by all. We don't get much time to ourselves, with both the grandmas watching E during the week, we don't feel right asking them to watch them on the weekends and usually paying for a babysitter is not in the budget. We had such a nice time out together, we may just have to take my friend up on her offer to watch them so we can go on a real date ;)
That night as I was reading L his bedtime story, I started to get an ocular migraine. If you've ever had one of these you know how weird they are. They start with a sort of "blind spot" that is either completely composed of or outlined in sparkles. It may sound cute but its like being forced to stare at a dizzying light show even if you eyes are closed. Thankfully this time the "aura" only lasted for about 20 minutes but the migraine lasted all night so not much sleep for me :(
Started the day off helping my mother with some things around her house. She's been extremely busy lately taking care of my ailing grandfather so I figured she could use a little help taking care of her. The boys spent some time playing while hubby and I (well mostly hubby) helped with a few things.
Then it was time to nap - there was no escaping it after the night I had. Woke up to the Steelers losing...always a bummer. L wanted to play "barber shop" with my hair things, so he tortured styled his brother's hair first. Then it was on to Daddy which is impressive seeing as he shaves his head bald. Finally I was up. He handed me the mirror after I sat sown and said "this is how terrible you look". Well now, that was nice. At least he told me I was the most beautiful mommy when he was done. I beg to differ, I had pig tails and several barrettes in my hair but hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder ;)
We decided to attack some homework after dinner, we had a "family" project due for L's kindergarten class. We had to decorate a construction paper pumpkin cutout. It was actually pretty fun to all be working on it together. L decided he wanted a spooky pumpkin so I made a ghost cutout, L made some spiders out of Bendaroos and Daddy made some awesome bats to fly ontop pipe-cleaners coming out of the top of the pumpkin. Now we just need E to put his touch on it and it will be done.
Thank goodness the rest of the night was relatively peaceful :)
Hope you all had a good weekend and
didn't have constant rain like us!