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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Whispering leaves

Do you hear them?

They are speaking to you.

Gently rustling.

Reminding you that change is here.

I hear them.  They have told me to stop trying to slam on the brakes of time (regardless of how hard that is for me to want to do).  I know its futile but I find myself trying to do it anyway.  The leaves assure me that this change is OK.  The time that is passing is meant to be.  They encourage me to fully embrace this season of life we're in.  Change is good, change is necessary to grow, don't fight it Krista.

What do they whisper to you?


  1. Love this... I love fall!! Lovely pictures!! Change is always good... even with a new season!

  2. i lived in CO as a child and i miss the changing leaves, the golden yellow color they give off each and ever year. beautiful photos!

  3. Just beautiful, Krista. You don't have to be very far from home to enjoy true beauty and making friends with nature.

  4. such good words and pretty pictures! change is so good. sometimes hard, but always worth it!! blessings on your weekend sweet girl.

  5. LOVELY pictures and BEAUTIFUL words, Krista!

    I hope you and yours have a good weekend!

  6. Are you leaves this yellow already?!?! I'm somewhat jealous, although I don't mind this 80 degree weather. If only I could be in flip flops instead of a sneaker and boot...oh well. :)

  7. What beautiful shots! I seriously love them all!


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