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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

ah-ha! she got it!

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Becoming a parent has been extremely instrumental in growing my relationship with God.  It has opened my eyes to how He loves me as His child.

The other night I had an experience with my own kiddos where I felt so proud/relieved/excited that my kids actually got something that I have been "preaching" for years.  And it made me chuckle to think that God probably has the same  kind of moments with all of us.  The elation of your kids finally "getting it".

I've even been able to recognize recently a few times where a message had finally sunk in for me.  You conceptually understand something but it is only later that hits home and you are able to put it into practice.  Although where God's concerned it happens at the time of His choosing and not by happenstance :)

Self-Acceptance has been a big one for me.  I struggled a lot with the negative parts, you know the sinner in us all.  I kept trying to earn God's grace.  Be good enough to deserve His dying for me.  It's not that I thought I could live a perfect life but I remember praying "Lord, please just let me get through one day with out letting You down in some way. One day."  Well that is never going to happen.  It just isn't.  We are broken, sinful beings and we can't change that.  Accepting that you don't deserve grace and you never will (even for one day) is when the enormity of what Jesus did finally permeates your soul.  His mercy is ours not because we are good but because He is good.  Have I heard all this before?  Sadly yes, but I tried anyway.  It has finally flooded into all the corners of my heart and I now live with a recognition and acknowledgement of my brokenness, an unending gratitude for His merciful rescue, and the certainty that I am loved far beyond my short-comings.

Have you had an ah-ha moment like this where a concept has finally sunk in for you?  Do share!


  1. I have had this same sort if thing happen recently. I have been praying a lot lately for wisdom in dealing with C's independent spirit (and that it's not crushed by all the expectations to conform), and I realized I was overlooking so many opportunities to guide her. I guess God sort of opened my eyes to what was already there. :-)

  2. I think that is the greatest "Ah-ha" moment of a lifetime when we realize that God loves us, Christ died for us, not because we could ever be good enough or ever deserve it enough, but because He loves us that much!!! :) This is beautiful!!! Hope you're doing well my friend, have a blessed day!! {Hugs}


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