"Ugh, why can't you just hurry up already?!"
Darn white Lexus.
That was the first thought that entered my head.
That was the first thought that entered my head.
I mean, he was doing 35mph in a 45mph zone.
Needless to say the driver did not head my silent urgings to find his gas pedal and learn to use it.
It struck me out of nowhere that maybe this car was meant to be going slow.
Maybe...just maybe...there was a "higher" reason.
Like maybe the driver needed to get to his destination at exactly the right moment.
Or maybe by holding up the cars behind him just a little bit, he was actually preventing an accident from happening down the road.
You just never know.
There are so many times in life that I get just as frustrated and impatient with the Lord
as I did with that Lexus.
I am broken like that.
Just when I think I am making progress in surrendering my need for control over to God,
it creeps back up on me again.
Hubsy and I are facing some pretty big decisions in the coming months and
I've really been struggling with the unknown.
"What should we do?"
"How is this going to work out?"
"What's the plan man!?"
Constant questions fill my mind and stress me out...like majorly and to the max.
I need to get back to that place of trusting His timing, His plan.
It is very much like staring down this long road but you can't see where it goes, everything's foggy. But with each step you take you can see just enough to keep going.
It's amazing how much we rely on "sight" to feel safe.
I don't know what is at the end of this road. Or if the path veers off around a wild bend or two along the way. But I do know that He will reveal the path to me bit by bit...when He is ready for me to see it.
When He is ready for me to see it.
But boy the waiting is tough. Not gonna sugar-coat it.
When it comes to answers, patience is not my forte.
Evidently it might not be my specialty when driving either ;)
But you need to slow down, take a look around you. You never know what may be
revealed to you during the "waiting".
And trust that you are waiting for a reason...that the waiting is part of God's plan as well.
I needed that reminder today.
And God drove a white Lexus to impart it.
It's amazing how much we rely on "sight" to feel safe.
I don't know what is at the end of this road. Or if the path veers off around a wild bend or two along the way. But I do know that He will reveal the path to me bit by bit...when He is ready for me to see it.
When He is ready for me to see it.
But boy the waiting is tough. Not gonna sugar-coat it.
When it comes to answers, patience is not my forte.
Evidently it might not be my specialty when driving either ;)
But you need to slow down, take a look around you. You never know what may be
revealed to you during the "waiting".
And trust that you are waiting for a reason...that the waiting is part of God's plan as well.
I needed that reminder today.
And God drove a white Lexus to impart it.